Review: Prosperity Stories: Testimonies of Divinity in Everyday Life

Prosperity Stories: Testimonies of Divinity in Everyday Life Prosperity Stories: Testimonies of Divinity in Everyday Life by Carolyn Bothuel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Prosperity Stories were a delight to read because I knew some of the people who contributed their stories to the book. It was a joy to learn more about who they are and their struggles. I was surprised to find that some authors tended to contribute multiple stories and others only one. I was expecting to get a one to one correspondence, one author, one story. My expectations were blown away. I got to know some authors very well through their contributions. For example, one story written by Rev. Cynthia Tootle about personal business affirmations was easy to relate to as I am still having difficulty dong my own personal business after having sprained my ankle on April 8th. It still needs more healing as of today, May 22nd, 2016. This afternoon, I was reminded of the little red wagon that was hidden behind all the newspapers in Rev. Jim Webb's story. His story was a lesson to me that it was important to stop and think about how to do things efficiently without stressing my body out too much. While resting with an ice pack on my back for a swollen, overworked muscle, I thought carefully to see if there's a way to do some laundry without overdoing it, and yes, the answer came to me! I like to read while doing laundry and as I did, I could see that I was going to finish this book today and do a review of it. Indeed, as the book illustrates in its chapter four theme, Falling into Grace, a misfortune can lead to positive outcomes. In my case, it was opportunities to try new and helpful things. For the first time, I used Uber for transportation. I also learned to use an online grocery delivery service from a brand new Safeway store that just opened up in my neighborhood. Both physically and emotionally, I am grateful for the testimonials and messages that the book conveyed through its prosperity stories and its spiritual themes that the stories are grouped into.

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